15 YEARS OF REAL DEAL Protecting market shoppers, businesses and communities from the trade in fake goods

“The scheme has been fundamental in creating a step change amongst market operators to ensure that IP infringing goods are not sold at their markets” Duncan Stephenson, CTSI

At the 2024 Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) Conference in Leeds, the National Markets Group for IP Protection (NMG) celebrated the 15th anniversary of its Real Deal Campaign for Fake-Free Markets.

Back in 2009, the Real Deal was officially launched at the CTSI national conference. It returned to mark the campaign’s 15-year milestone at the same annual gathering of trading standards officers from across the country. The event also kicked off a programme of Real Deal renewal in which existing Real Deal markets are invited to join with their local trading standards service and refresh their commitment to fake-free trading.

Joining the event in Leeds were representatives of West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service and the local authority market services in Calderdale and Bradford who took the opportunity to renew their Real Deal commitments.

Since its launch in 2009, operators of around 500 markets across the UK have made a commitment to fake-free trading by signing the voluntary Real Deal Charter with their local trading standards service. Introducing the Real Deal Charter and displaying the logo helps a market to give reassurance to shoppers that it is a safe place to buy and sell. It is also a strong warning message to any would-be traders in counterfeits who have no scruples about ripping off consumers, selling unsafe products or damaging local businesses.

The Real Deal model of partnership working has proved so successful that in 2018 it was extended into the digital arena with a specific programme, developed with the National Trading Standards eCrime Team, to support trading standards services in tackling the trade in fakes on social media buy-sell groups.

Gavin Terry, CTSI Lead Officer for IP and Chair of the National Markets Group for IP Protection, commented:

“At a time that local authorities are facing increased pressure on resources, the Real Deal programme offers a tried and tested model to help market operators stay fake-free. In addition, the National Markets Group can provide intelligence-led enforcement support to trading standards. It is a powerful combination of prevention and enforcement which can alleviate some of the burden on trading standards services.

“Criminals are always quick to spot opportunities for illegal activity. Markets, car boot fairs and online selling groups can be attractive especially where local enforcement activity is restricted. Operators of these market outlets need to be vigilant as counterfeit products bring a whole host of problems: consumers are ripped off; fake goods are untested and potentially unsafe; law abiding businesses lose sales; revenue is lost from the economy to the black market; and often the trade in fakes is linked to organised crime.

“Fortunately, the Real Deal provides a set of robust and easy to implement procedures which can help market operators keep IP criminals at bay. Our message to operators of all markets – large and small, in physical locations and on social media – is review your procedures, work with trading standards and re-promote your Real Deal status. It will not only reassure shoppers and law-abiding traders but will also send a strong keep-out message to sellers of fake-good.”

Duncan Stephenson, Director of External Affairs at CTSI, said: “IP crime is not victimless and impacts on legitimate business and local investment. The Real Deal is a fantastic initiative that tackles this problem head-on and delivers real and positive impact.

“The scheme has been fundamental in creating a step change amongst market operators to ensure that IP infringing goods are not sold at their markets, which is precisely the kind of effective collaborative working that brings results that leads to better protection for consumers.”

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