Diploma in Consumer Affairs and Trading Standards (DCATS)

ipoallianceIntellectual Property Training Courses

A series of training courses has been designed by the IPO and Alliance for IP to help people develop an understanding of various aspects of Intellectual Property: copyright, trade mark and design issues, the role of the Intellectual Property Office, and IP crime.

The courses are designed to assist those preparing to take the Diploma in Consumer Affairs and Trading Standards IP examination in November each year but each individual training day can be booked as a standalone course.

There are four separate training days:

1 An Introduction to IP

  1. Copyright
  2. Registered Designs and Design Rights
  3. Trade Marks and the Criminal Law

Full course details are available to download hereĀ www.realdealmarkets.co.uk

For further information or enrolment on the courses, please contact the training co-ordinator: Rebecca Mahoney

e-mail: allianceiptraining@gmail.comor phone: 07805 924 409