Presentation to United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

In 2007, the UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies adopted Recommendation M on Use of Market Surveillance Infrastructure as a Complementary Means to Protect Consumers and Users against Counterfeit Goods. This recommendation establishes the importance of having all agencies at the border working together to combat counterfeit products.

On 21 February 2023, the partnership approach of the NMG was highlighted in a presentation by NMG Chair, Gavin Terry, at a meeting of UNECE to review and discuss Recommendation M 15 years after its introduction.  The presentation looked at various successful NMG initiatives including Real Deal and Tick Box. More information is here: Market surveillance role in combatting counterfeit products | UNECE

Real Deal Work Recognised in Trading Standards Hero Awards

Gavin Terry (right) collected the CTSI Hero Award from Graham Mogg from the WRi Group.

The work of the National Markets Group for IP Protection (NMG) was highlighted recently at the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s (CTSI) annual Hero Awards ceremony.

Two key members of the NMG’s Real Deal initiative – Gavin Terry, CTSI Lead Officer for Intellectual Property and Chair of the NMG, and Patricia Lennon, Real Deal campaign manager since 2008 – were jointly awarded the CTSI Hero Award for Intellectual Property (IP) for their work on the campaign to help keep markets fake-free.

The awards, hosted by CTSI at the House of Lords in November, recognised significant contributions to consumer protection across the UK.

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