Resources to help market businesses stay ‘IP legal’

Part of the Real Deal’s mission is to help market operators be better informed about intellectual property (IP) laws in order to protect shoppers and support legitimate businesses.

Here are just some of the ways that markets can improve their knowledge of this important area.

NABMA DMA: As part of the NABMA Diploma in Market Administration, Gavin Terry, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s (CTSI) Lead Officer for IP, provides a session on intellectual property (IP) and trading standards law, accompanied by a session on the Real Deal programme. The NABMA Diploma course has been running for eight years and over 200 market officers have gained the Level 4 professional qualification. For more info, email

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s Business Companion: A useful resource for market officers is the CTSI’s free to access online guide for businesses: ‘businesscompanion – trading standards law explained’. The website can be viewed at:


It includes a wide range of information, including useful sections on: on-premises sales including market stalls, intellectual property and car boot fairs


‘How to Stay IP Legal’ information leaflet

This leaflet, produced by the Real Deal campaign, provides some very simple steps that will help you stay within the law. Click here to download the leaflet.

The Real Deal Code of Practice: This is the first step to joining the Real Deal programme and underpins the whole initiative. Developed with input from all stakeholders, including IP rights owners, trading standards and NABMA, it sets out straightforward, robust procedures that will help a market ensure that they have the right systems in place to ensure fake-free trading. A copy of the Code of Practice can be downloaded here .

For more information on joining the Real Deal, email


The information on this page is for guidance only and is not designed to be a replacement for professional advice.